Countless Scripture passages encourage us to tell others about what the Lord has done for us (in Ps 71, Ps 78, Ps 105, Ps 145, Isaiah 12, and 1 Chron 16 to name just a few). We have felt called by the Lord to help FCC gather faith stories and publish them so we can all be inspired to look for "God's fingerprints" everywhere. Sometimes these stories are miraculous, sometimes they are very ordinary, but they all remind us of the Lord's compassion and truth. - Pete & Kari Stadem

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One Last Gift
by Beth Nordstrom
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart;
yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11
-- I gathered with my family in the Chicago area in January 2025 to celebrate the life and mourn the death of my mother. All my siblings and all our children were able to attend and we praised the Lord for our wonderful mother.
-- Mom was a quilter and a prolific writer. She wrote plays, changed words to songs for our celebrations, and wrote her family history, my Dad's family history, and our family stories. She put them all together in the “Patchwork Pages.” Here is a quote:
-- "I am thinking of this story like a patchwork quilt with many different pieces and colors. There are dark colors, sad and regretful memories, light and cheery ones, and pieces that are dull, faded, and almost forgotten. The picture of my quilt emerges in my mind with many little pieces that are stitched together with hundreds and thousands of tiny stitches. This is the most special part of my quilt...Stitches representing God's love put all the pieces of my life together. Perhaps I would like to take some of the dark pieces out of my, that would destroy it. Every piece is a part of my journey and has a story to tell."
-- And at the end, there was a little surprise. As the grandchildren were milling around my mother’s apartment, trying to decide on mementos to bring home, one of them lifted an Indian brass plate off the wall. Hidden behind that plate were five notes from my mother, one to each of us siblings. We were all so surprised and sat together with tears streaming down our faces as we each read our notes. Mine expressed Mom’s joy in the person I had become, thanked me for visiting and caring for her in her last years, and ended: "See you in heaven. Love, Mom.” It was just like my sweet mother, and just like our kind heavenly Father, to give us one last unexpected blessing.
Thank You, Father, for making all things beautiful in Your time. Thank You for the sweet surprises
You give us. Help us to recognize them as from You. Amen.
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Trials & Tribulations
by Melissa Thomas
Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close. Psalm 27:10
-- My parents called me their "miracle baby." When I was born, I had fluid on the brain, which caused my heart rate to drop with each contraction. I had low blood sugar, and the doctor dislocated my hip by pulling me down when I got stuck. The doctors were able to drain the fluid and fix my hip, and I went home on my father's birthday three days later.
I grew up in Oklahoma, and every year, my dad and I celebrated our birthdays at the Golden Corral with the rest of the family. When I was 15, my parents moved to Willmar. They left me in the care of friends of our family so I could finish high school. They didn't tell me in advance, and my living situation was unclean and miserable. On my 18th birthday, I told this family I would be leaving, and as soon as the school year ended, I moved up here to be with my parents. I was angry with them but forgave them because I loved them. I was very close to my mom. Just two years later, Mom (who was a type 2 diabetic) developed pneumonia. She went to the hospital on New Year's Eve. I was praying hard for her recovery, and I heard a voice say, "I'm ready for her now." I didn't know what it meant.
-- On Jan. 4, 2006, I didn't want to leave Mom's side, but Dad and I went home to take showers. As we were getting ready to return to the hospital, we got the call that she had died. In the hospital, I clung to my mother's body, sobbing and wailing: "I want to go too!" It took Dad and two others to pull me off. For two weeks, I completely shut down. I couldn't pray or read the Bible. I couldn't even eat. Finally, my friend, Allison, showed up and said, "It's time to move." Other friends told me, "Your mom wants you to live a good life."
-- When I went to read my Bible again, it dropped open to Psalm 63:1-3. "You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you." I realized that the Lord was with me and that He was the one I needed. At a young adults retreat in 2009, I received the exact same passage. To me, it confirmed that God loved me and would take care of me. In September of 2006, I went to live with my sister in Oklahoma to help her with her 5-year-old daughter and 2-year-old son. One November day, I talked to my dad on the phone for about three hours. We had a pleasant conversation, but he kept mentioning his life insurance policy. He asked that one of our favorite songs, (Daddy's Hands) be sung at his funeral. It was strange talk for a 59-year-old man. The next day, my sister got a phone call. When she came out of her room, she couldn't speak. She just kept repeating, "Da…da….da…" I cried, "What's wrong with Daddy?" Back in Willmar, my father's car ran out of gas and he walked home in the bitter cold. He made it to the parking lot of the apartment complex, had an asthma attack, and died before anyone found him. I was an orphan at age 21. I stayed with my sister for another month and then moved back to Willmar.
-- I lived with my dad's sister and her husband for a year and a half. When I would cry about my losses, my Aunt would say, "Just suck it up. No one wants to hear your problems." When it got too overwhelming, I called Allison and she would pick me up. The minute I got in her car, I would start bawling uncontrollably. Eventually, I moved out on my own, started meeting with a counselor, and began to heal.
-- I'm grateful for the Lord's mercy and provision as I've endured many trials. He sent many friends and my church family to help me. My dad's brother promised my dad he would take care of us girls if anything happened to my dad, and he has kept that promise. My friend Heidi's family has practically adopted me, treating me like one of their own.
Thank You, Father, for caring for the fatherless. Help us all to be part of your plan to love and serve others, especially the most vulnerable. Amen.
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God's Peace Through Prayer Partners
by Marlene Hovland
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Eph 6:18
-- In January 2014, I enlisted many prayer partners to lift me up. I had known for a few months that my job as the Community Nutrition Educator for Renville County was in limbo. Our supervisor had told us that the University of MN was transferring funds to our Extension Services as the U.S. Farm Bill was late in being renewed.
-- On January 6, my father passed away after a bout with congestive heart failure, which had followed my mother’s passing about nine months earlier. Losing both of my parents within one year left a big hole in my heart.
-- As I was heading home after buying food for our family for Dad’s reviewal, I totaled my car in an accident on slippery streets. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the accident (along with the soon-to-follow funeral) could have been devastating. Instead, I felt peaceful.
-- A few days after the funeral, I was told all the CNEs lost their jobs and that I was to clear out of my office. I did it with a heavy heart, knowing I’d miss my “dream job." I was anxious to find something similar, so I enlisted my family and church prayer partners again.
-- Later in January, I needed a breast biopsy following a questionable mammogram. Once again, anxiety had come my way. When the results came back, there was no sign of cancer.
Through the most challenging month of my life, I knew that my family and friends faithfully held me up. Looking back, I see God at work, giving me peace through all the troubles of those days. Praise the Lord, and thank you, prayer partners!
Thank You, Lord, for giving us brothers and sisters in Christ to lift us
up to You. Help us faithfully bring our friends to You in prayer. -- Amen.
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Working Together
by Myron Carlson
And God said, “…rule over the earth and subdue it.” Genesis 1:28
-- On a beautiful day in September, I looked at Carolie and declared, “I have to do something about the patio door!” This project has been bugging me for years. The door wasn’t latching, so I put a board in it so it couldn’t be opened from the outside (for security). It’s a 12-foot door that covers the entire wall. The sill was sinking, so it couldn’t close. To replace the door would cost thousands of dollars.
-- Carolie and I prayed for the Lord’s wisdom on how to fix that door. I thought, “If I could only lift the sill and shim under the frame, maybe that would work.” I called my friend, Bill, who came over to help. Together we were able to lift the door up and shim under it. Now the door was lined up, and all I had to do was adjust the latch!
-- I’m so grateful for the Lord’s insight and the help of a good friend to make the door work – better than it has in the twenty years we’ve lived in this house.
Thank You, Lord, for finally motivating me to fix that door. Thank You for fellow workers
in our quest to exercise loving dominion over the world You have created. -- Amen
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Ups and Downs
by Carla Rudie
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5b
EDITOR'S NOTE: Carla Rudie was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a particularly virulent form of brain cancer, in March of 2021.
She died in January of 2023. This story is adapted from her Caring Bridge site and shared with the blessing of her husband, Dave.
-- It was a busy weekend as daughter, Kayla, had her nursing pinning ceremony, graduation ceremony, and a little grad party with a few friends – in Nashville, Tenn. My husband, Dave, and our other two daughters were able to go. Others stayed with me until Dave got home Sunday evening.
-- I didn't realize how it would affect me until afterward. I had quite a few tears today about it. My poor radiation team! This is where their psychology classes come in handy (offering the patient emotional support). The inside of my radiation mask had some extra salt to wipe off when we were done. I had a hard time pulling it together after radiation. Back in the waiting room, I spilled ice everywhere, maybe because I did what the handwritten sign said not to do: " DO NOT press the black square." Done -- ice everywhere.
-- I cleaned up the ice, found a quiet spot, and wept. Thankfully, Dave followed and started giving me some much-needed comfort. It felt good to release the tears. I know there will be ups and downs in this journey. The ups are always going to be better, but I believe we will learn from the downs, too. I use more than one devotional, and just yesterday, I read, "If we're going to spend time thinking about the future, we might as well spend it hoping instead of worrying. Keep dreaming, and don't be surprised when you find out God has been dreaming with you all along." Today, from Jesus Calling, spot on as it is almost every day: "Do not resist or run from the difficulties in your life. These problems are not random mistakes; they are hand-tailored blessings designed for your benefit and growth. Embrace all the circumstances I allow in your life, trusting Me to bring good out of them. View problems as opportunities to rely more fully on Me."
-- Since "this" began, I have seen these words over and over, and I am embracing them, making them part of my "new vocabulary." I still believe I was chosen for this story and am eager to know what the chapters will hold. In the meantime, I will cry when crying needs to be done but will choose to rejoice when rejoicing needs to be done. Being delightful and hopeful is a much better place to be. I may have missed going to Nashville and eating corn chowder dip and chips at my favorite Mexican restaurant this past weekend, but it may mean that I will still be able to go next year and enjoy it! And because of Covid, everything was live-streamed, so it was as if I had a front-row seat and didn't have to arrive two hours early for it.
-- One more thought: as Kayla's professor pinned her nursing pin on her, he whispered in her ear, "Is your momma watching?" I don't think it can get much more precious than that. Thank you for letting me have a group therapy session with you and allowing me to express the downs of this and then bring it back to joy. Psalm 37:4 - "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
-- PS - To top off the week, Kayla flew into Rochester today and will study for her nursing board tests at home (and in Rochester – wherever I am) until the end of July. It will be so fun to have her around for the next two months. She came off the plane with corn chowder dip from Nashville that her mom missed out on last weekend. How precious is that! Not sure how she did it, but she got it here with no spills!
Thank You, heavenly Father, for being with us in the ups and downs of life.
Grant us the faith to turn to You in our worst moments, and help us to be Your hands and feet to others in theirs. Amen.
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Speaking for my Dad about Jesus
by Carolie Carlson
I can do all this through Him, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
-- In July of my nineteenth year, my world was shaken by a devastating event. Around 10 pm on a Monday, my 15-year-old brother and I were home alone in our beds. Through my window, I saw a car drive up. It was our pastor and his wife bearing the terrible news that an intoxicated driver had broadsided my parent's vehicle. Mom was in the hospital with nine broken ribs, and Dad was killed. Mom was in her 50s, and Dad was 79 years old. I had known in my heart that our dad was getting older and death for each of us was inevitable, but since they were both healthy at the time, this was such a shock!
-- The night before the accident, at our Sunday night church service, Dad shared this verse: "Lo, I am with you always." Later, at home, I had a wonderful conversation with him about Heaven, Jesus' Second Coming, and his concern that his extended family would know Jesus and live for Him.
-- My brother and I attended Dad's funeral without Mom, who was still in the hospital. Since the accident, I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit to share that last conversation publicly during the service. Back then, it was "out of the ordinary" for family members to speak at a funeral, but God gave me the courage to do just that. It was as if my dad himself were speaking! In retrospect, I can see that the Lord gave me that talk with my father and strengthened me so I could share the gospel with our unbelieving family members.
Thank You, heavenly Father, for speaking through our earthly fathers.
Thank You for giving us strength. Please help us spread the Good News to all of the world. Amen.
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Count Your Blessings
by Annette Thompson
And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. -- Romans 8:28
-- After my seventh surgery, I had bad news. Originally, it looked as if there were not many polyps, but not only had the surgeon removed a significant amount, but a lot of work had been done in my lungs. Once again, I went home feeling very sorry for myself. About three days after we returned home from the hospital, it suddenly hit me. “You dummy! If you hadn’t needed surgery now for the vocal polyps, you would not have known how bad your lungs were or received help for them!” As I opened my mind, a whole list of blessings that happened to me in all of these surgeries began to play like a movie before me:
I found out that I had a Christian surgeon - one who prayed for me, too.
I have been able to talk after every surgery, which isn’t always the case.
After the last few surgeries, I have even been able to sing, which surprised the doctors very much. After singing in choirs and ensembles my whole life, losing that ability was an enormous void. I cried through church for over two years when I could only listen to the music.
Now, I have a deep appreciation for the little things that most people take for granted — and I used to be one of them.
Lastly, there is power and healing in praise.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for working all things together for good. Help us remember that and to look for blessings in all circumstances. Amen.
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by Myron Carlson
Let’s … celebrate. For this son of mine … was lost and is found. Luke 15:24
-- I grew up on a farm in South Dakota. I often played with the dog, but otherwise, there was little to do. My dad was in the field doing his own thing, and my mom was in the house doing her own thing. When you are the only child, you need to create some excitement and adventure in your life.
-- The creek, which ran through the cattle yard and adjoining pasture, became the gateway to my adventure. I left my yard and headed out. It was a warm July day, so there was no need to pack clothes or food. When my mom realized I was not around, she became frantic. She got on the party-line phone to call the neighbors. Many came over to begin the search for me. They looked in the barn, hog shed, and corn fields. One neighbor followed the creek, looking behind fallen trees and tall weeds. Later, he found some footprints in the sand.
-- My adventure ended when I got to my cousin’s house, about half a mile away as the crow flies. My cousin told his mom that my mom had probably dropped me off on her way to town. About that time, the neighbor following the creek showed up and told us about the panic at home. My aunt called to tell my mom that I was at her house. I didn’t understand what the fuss was about. After all, I was a big boy ... at two years old.
That’s the way I heard it.
Thank You, heavenly Father, that You search for the lost as a mother for her lost child. Thank You for rejoicing over each of us as we are found. --Amen.
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At the Right Time
by Austin Miller
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. " Ecclesiastes 3:11a
-- On Saturday, I was hunting in the Lac qui Parle area with friends when I got a text from my mom saying my dad had taken a turn for the worse. I took off and drove 100 mph to get home, only to find out that the doctors and my parents had given up on the cancer treatments for my dad. They were going to pull all medication and opt for quality of life rather than quantity. On Sunday, Mom (a strong Christian) said she wasn't attending church today but wanted me to go. I've been to First Covenant Church several times with a friend, so I called him, and we went there together.
-- During coffee, a guy named Bill told me that he lost his mother at the same age I am, 20. His father died a little later; those were the hardest times of his life, and he said he would be praying for me. I really appreciated hearing that.
The Scripture for the day was Luke, chapter 1, where Zechariah is in the Temple burning incense because it's his turn to do so as a priest, and an angel assures him he will have a baby, even though he and his wife are too old. Zechariah doesn't believe the angel, and the angel says, "At the right time, this will happen," and takes away his ability to speak as a punishment for his unbelief.
-- Pastor Chris's message, prayers, and even the songs spoke to me. I have a lot of worries: If my dad, who has protected me and taken care of me, dies, how am I going to live? If my mom moves to Iowa and I need to stay here to care for my baby and his mother, where am I going to live? What if I lose my job? What if I become homeless? I don't want to live on the streets again.
-- God told me throughout this service: "At the right time, I will take care of you. I will take your father at the right time. I will give you wisdom on how to raise your baby and how to love the baby's mother. I won't leave you homeless without a way. I will be with you through it all. At the right time, all these things will be taken care of."
-- Like Zechariah, I have doubts. Lord, tell me what to do. The angel says, trust God. At the right time, He will take care of all these problems. After the service, I told my friend I was thankful that God would take care of me and that He sent this service to assure me that He would do everything at the right time
Thank You, Lord, for Your perfect timing. Help us to trust you in all situations. Amen.
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Ask, and You Will Receive
by Robin Iverson
[Jesus said,] “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” -- Matthew 7:7
I had a very rough upbringing, including abuse, seizures, being taken away from my family, and a broken engagement. In the early 2000s, my sister got angry with me, swore at me, and broke off all contact. I got depressed and was drinking and smoking. I never got addicted, but my friend, Sue, invited me to Celebrate Freedom -- a recovery program that met on Saturday nights at First Covenant Church. I went often and grew close to people in the group.
I worshipped at First Covenant for the first time in 2004. I remember because I voted for the first time that year. Shortly after, I was at McMillan’s with friends, and as we talked, I realized that I needed Jesus. I prayed the sinner’s prayer and asked the Lord to take over my life. My friends told me I needed to share my salvation story with someone, so the following Saturday at Celebrate Freedom, I told Cheryl Perry.
Pastor Dan Johnson preached on the need to be baptized. I felt this need and asked to be baptized. FCC didn’t have a baptistry at that time (a lot of baptisms were done in a lake in the summer), so they suggested we go to the YMCA and have the baptism in their swimming pool. So we did. Another man, Robert, was baptized the same day. About a dozen people (including Myron and Carolie Carlson - whom I met the first day I visited FCC) came to support and celebrate with us. As I went down under the water and came up with the words, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” I felt as though all my sins from my past life were washed away. I felt overwhelmed with God’s love, and I felt forgiven.
In 2005, I became a member of FCC. I was so anxious to grow as a new Christian that I attended Sunday School and both Sunday worship services. I also went to a woman’s Monday Night Bible Study.
I started to pray and ask God to supply specific needs. One of those requests was for a Christian rep/payee. My foster family had taken care of my money when I lived with them; now a government worker called a Community Support Partner, was in charge of paying my rent and other financial decisions. I wanted a Christian who would approve of my new faith. I prayed, “God, please give me a Christian rep/payee.” One Sunday at church, I saw Cheryl and Dorothy in the narthex. I knew and trusted them but didn’t know which one to ask. I thought, “Dorothy already has two girls. Cheryl just has two boys, so maybe she would like to help a girl.” I asked her, “Cheryl, would you be willing to be my rep/payee?” She said yes, and I’ve been so grateful to have her helping me with money.
I also wanted to serve this church. I asked the Lord to help me find volunteer jobs. Heidi Broberg, the custodian at FCC, let me vacuum with a backpack vacuum. The secretary, Dorothy, had me cut and fold the bulletins and monthly newsletters. Cheryl needed help washing toys and school stuff for the kids she taught. I was glad to help them. Once, Heidi even invited me to a women’s retreat and paid my way!
Another request happened in 2015. I was living in the high rise with Solomon, my dog, and a guy knocked on my door with a hammer because he thought I had stolen his key. I felt unsafe there and prayed, “God, would you please give me a new apartment that will be a good and safe place to live?” I was in a Bible Study with Jean, who managed apartment buildings. I asked her, “Jean, do you have any open apartments?” “Actually, we do,” she replied, and I moved in shortly after. I had so many purses that I used them to pack my stuff instead of suitcases. Friends from FCC helped me move, and I have been very happy there for nine years. About that same time, I prayed about finding a part-time job and I’ve been able to clean my apartment building and some people’s houses for a while now.
Also in 2015, God put it in my heart to go on a mission trip to Ecuador. I didn’t have the money to pay for it, but God provided it through fundraisers and I went with a group from FCC. I felt so badly for a really thin lady there. I reached out to her with a gift. I just couldn’t help it. Even though I spent some time alone on that trip and felt lonely, at times, I did what I could and came back with a good attitude.
I’m very grateful to the Lord for all He has done for me. I intend to serve Him all my life.
Thank You, Father, for sending your Son to save us from sin, death,and the devil. Thank You for answering our requests in such kind ways. Amen.
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A New Identity
by Jose Garcia
Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God;
once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:10
-- I was born in Marshall, Minn., and moved around the area until we settled in Montevideo in 2001. Knowing I was half Hispanic and half Caucasian but not knowing which group to identify with led to a much larger identity issue. I experienced prejudice on both sides of the spectrum. Because of the color of my skin and the fact that the majority of my friends were Hispanic, white kids threw rocks at me while I was riding my bike and told me, “Why don’t you go back to your own country?”
When I hung out with my Hispanic friends or family in Mexico, they told me I wasn’t “Mexican enough” or would make fun of me because I couldn’t pronounce certain Spanish words. It didn’t help that my dad didn’t teach me Spanish until I was older.
-- The identity issue started to get worse when I got older and started to hang out with different sets of friends. I got along with pretty much anyone but never felt I belonged to any one group of people, not even friends and family. I started to drink and use drugs so that I could fit in with a multitude of people at one time. The addiction got so bad that when I couldn’t afford to buy drugs, I would steal cough medicine from stores to get high and avoid reality.
-- The Lord allowed me to continue in my mess and lack of identity until I got a DWI in 2018 and was told I needed to check into treatment. While in Project Turnabout, I heard about and was accepted into The Fortress. At first, I still felt out of the loop. One day, Adam Trask asked us to go around the building and pray for those who were there at the time and for those who were going to come into the program. While I was praying for one of the rooms, my now-close brother in Christ, Jonathan Portillo, asked if he could pray for me. When he got to the part of the prayer about helping me find my identity, I started crying and was filled with the Holy Spirit. Another brother came in, and we all started praying and worshipping.
-- Unfortunately, the enemy was still whispering lies, telling me that I didn’t belong there or to Christ since I had just relapsed in my room the day before being prayed for. Later, when Adam gave us a “grace day” and asked if there was anything we would like to confess without consequences, I admitted to the relapse. Instead of dirty looks and snide comments, I was met with Adam telling me that I am loved and forgiven and a child of God. The other guys gathered around me and gave me hugs and the love of Christ. I surrendered my life to Christ and never looked back.
Thank You, heavenly Father, that You adopt us into Your family and give us Your Name.
Help us to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. -- Amen.
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The Faith to Sing
by Becca Gardner
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
--One Sunday morning, in the middle of the pre-service rehearsal, our worship team stopped to pray. We were having a lot of technical and electrical issues and wondered if we’d even have power for the service. Nothing was going right, and it seemed like everything would be a big mess. We asked the Lord to stop the nonsense that was going on! This was shortly after we had begun singing again in worship. Trying to follow COVID regulations, we hadn’t been singing during worship for months, which was devastating for our musical congregation. But now we could sing. I wanted the words on the screen so everyone could join in.During the second song - “Be Thou My Vision” – the power went completely out! The screen went dark, the microphones cut out, the amplifiers for the guitars were silent. The only thing that continued was the flowing piano accompaniment. However, almost everyone in the congregation knew this hymn, so they didn’t need the words on the screen. The whole congregation kept singing at the top of their lungs. Tears came to my eyes at the faith of our people. I prayed silently, “Thank You, Lord, for giving our congregation this song in their hearts to sing.”
--It was a wonderful service. Just when I thought everything was going wrong, God was glorified, and there was peace.
Thank You, Father, that You bring music to our hearts and peace to our chaos. -Amen
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Bearing One Another's Burdens
by Don Twedt
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2"
-- I was the fourth child in my family. When our family had six kids, we lived in a trailer my grandpa had made for us (probably 24'x8'), with only two rooms - a kitchen and a living room. The sofa came out to make a bed for my parents and the littlest ones. The rest of us slept on a bunk bed in the kitchen, two in each bed. We had no running water in the house, just an outdoor pump, and we used an outhouse. We played Monopoly constantly unless we were outside. We'd leave the house in the morning and return for supper – no lunch except during school. Then we would bring a bag lunch.
-- My mom's brother and sister, who attended First Covenant Church, got together and said we needed help because our house was so small, and there were eight of us in there. They went to their church council to ask for financial help. Apparently, a number of members were against it, but more were for it, so the loan of $500 was approved.This provided a down payment on a "new" house for our family. The council also guaranteed the mortgage. We actually had a choice between a house on the north side of Willmar and one at 13th and Becker SW, which is the one we kids chose. And before we moved in, the church threw a "house shower" for us. They brought food and furniture over, as we had little to fill the new house. It was huge compared to our trailer. Each of us had our own bed, and with only two or three of us per bedroom. Pastor Frickholm and several church members came and held a prayer dedication of the house. After we moved in, three more children were born; we ended up a family of seven girls and two boys. My main chores were mowing the lawn and burning the garbage.
-- My parents didn't attend church at all, but my mom made sure all of us kids went. As an eight-year-old boy, I remember walking to the church treasurer's business place to bring cash for a loan payment. My sisters took their turns also. After my mom's death, we found the records of the repayment of the loan to the church and to the bank. We never missed a payment.
-- My dad worked construction and was gone all week. When I was 13, he died. My older three siblings were out of the house already, but six of us were left at home. Sometime later, a crew of men from FCC, including Kenny Danielson, showed up at our house with paint brushes, rollers, ladders, tape, and buckets of paint. We watched out the front window as they set up and spent the whole day covering our two-story house with a fresh coat of gleaming white paint. We felt so grateful and thought those men were nicer than Santa Claus! That's one reason I stayed involved at FCC after Confirmation, even though the rest of the family didn't. I knew the people of this church practiced what they preached.

Editor's Note: Upon hearing this story, sister-in-law Diane Johnson exclaimed, "Why, Don, that's probably one reason why you're such a servant - always helping people!"
Thank You, Lord, for using Your people as Your hands and feet. Help us all to practice what we preach, and to give and serve as You would have us. Amen.
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Airplane Accident Averted
by Ron Buchanan
“…before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24
-- I was flying from Minneapolis back to Willmar with a couple of passengers in my twin-propeller airplane and ran into rainy weather. It was just beginning to freeze, and in no time, I couldn’t see anything out of my windshield except for one little hole I was peeking through. Next, one of my engines stalled because of ice buildup. The front-seat passenger kept asking, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” I couldn’t even explain it because it was such an emergency situation. I kept looking for a highway or somewhere to set the plane down, but it was dark, and I couldn’t see.
-- I was mentally preparing for the worst when a thought came to me: “My igniters!” Igniters are used to start the engines. I looked at the dial, and sure enough, they were off. I turned them on, and the stalled engine started up. We were able to limp into Willmar and land the plane.
-- Unfortunately, the plane’s lift, which allows it to stay aloft, was also compromised by ice. Instead of a normal 100-mile-an-hour landing, we came in at 140 mph. The runway was icy, so the brakes wouldn’t do the job, but I was able to reverse the propellers, so they acted to slow the plane down, and I averted an accident.
-- Looking back, I’m grateful I had enough experience to land the plane and thankful the Lord gave me the thought about the igniters. I didn’t even have time to pray, but He was watching over all of us on that plane.
Thank You, heavenly Father, for saving us that day. Thank You for all the care
You show Your children. Help us recognize Your protection and love. Amen.
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Children are Missionaries, Too
by Diane Johnson
"Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” --Matthew 19:14
As the audience applauded, my heart was full of gratitude and pride. The musical, "100% Chance of Rain," was successful!
Several months earlier, my sister Eileen and I had decided to direct a children's musical. In the 1970s, we had many grade school children at First Covenant Church, and they enjoyed singing. We chose "100% Chance of Rain" because it had parts for all the children and told the familiar story, "Noah and the Ark," with cute songs and funny lines.
It took a real team effort to put this together. All the church's children were welcome to participate, and the cast numbered about 30. Eileen and I did the casting and directed the singing and acting. Other adults ran the sound system and the tape player (we had an accompaniment tape), sewed costumes, put together a set and props, including a huge ark, and, of course, all the parents had to go over lines with their own
children at home in between practices. We practiced on Wednesdays in October and November. Finally, we were ready to perform.
We felt it would be good for other children to see this show and learn more about Noah's story, and we thought it would be good for our students to have the experience of a young audience. We contacted several area churches (two Covenant, two Evangelical Free, a Baptist, and a Lutheran!), asking if they would bring their children to watch one of our
performances. Most responded favorably. On the Wednesday night performance, over 250 children filled our sanctuary. The following Saturday, Oscar Overcash drove a bus filled with our students – and the ark to Palmyra Covenant Church in Hector, where 125 audience members enjoyed the show.
Our cast did an excellent job remembering their lines, moving as they should, and singing beautifully. They learned Noah's story well, as they lived it for several weeks. The audience clapped and cheered at the end of each performance.
Many of those cast members are still involved in church ministry or other ministries.
Their experience in front of people helped them develop confidence. I was grateful to be a part of bringing Scripture to life for our children and the children of the community.
Thank You, heavenly Father, that You love and work through little children as well
as adults. Grant us to value Your children of all ages as we advance Your Kingdom together. -- Amen.
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EDITOR’S NOTE: Carla Rudie was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a particularly virulent form of brain cancer, in March of 2021.
She died in January of 2023. This story is adapted from her Caring Bridge site and shared with the blessing of her husband, Dave.
I Matter to the King of the Universe
by Carla Rudie
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may
declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9
On April 15, 2021, we arrived early at Mayo for my MRI appointment (you don’t want to be late!). I am beginning to learn that it is okay to wait. To be still. To listen. To anticipate. To be patient.

Then my name is called: “Carla Rudie.” My turn.
After the IV is in, the nurse and I head down the hall to “the room.” I’m tucked in, like a little cocoon with padding and a Freddy Krueger-like face mask. I close my eyes and realize that my breathing is faster. I remember all the nights I lay awake, listening to the inhales and exhales of my breath as it was calm. I realize I have been prepared for this moment; I can slow my breathing down. I begin to focus on my breathing and realize they are asking me questions. I think they say “give the ball a squeeze” . . . I do that.
My breathing is still faster than I would like. Then the machine starts, and I start to hear the sounds. It sounds like a series of rings, continuous and repeated but different pitches. Ring ring ring ring. Like someone calling over and over. At this point, I pause and realize what I am hearing. I am listening to My Jesus calling me. He has been pursuing me for quite a while, and He has desired my attention, but I have ignored Him. At that moment I settle into my breathing. Calmed. Since each segment of an MRI can be 5 to 7 minutes, I hear His repeated ringing and savor it. I have been called. My turn.
Then quiet. “Are you good?” There may be a ball squeeze. The MRI will be about 40 minutes with different segments of “noises”. I wait to hear what is next. The next segment sounds like jackhammers to me. He is leveling the mountains. I have been asking Him to “move mountains.” Earlier last week He showed me Isaiah 45:2: “This is what the LORD says: I will go before you, Cyrus, and LEVEL THE MOUNTAINS. I will smash down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.” I think, “Yes, Lord!” and enjoy the moment. Breathing ever so calm. Ball squeeze . . . at least I think that’s what they keep asking.
The next segment involved a cadence, which I interpret as anyone who has been praying for me. I see your faces. I know the cadence is actually my heartbeat, but I compare it to an army marching around Jericho. Continuous. And it is beautiful. And even more so because through it I hear this weird sound, like a sick cow, above it all. I decide this is Satan. And I’m thrilled that he sounds sick and think he’s saying, “Really? You’re going to make me do this for 7 minutes?” Yuppers! He wants to flee but he can’t. And the marching continues. “Still good?” Yes. The next segment is a different kind of jackhammer. A higher-pitched, George Jetson kind of sound. Laser-like. And the continued marching cadence. At times there are piercing a drill really digging in.
The last segment is my favorite. Again the cadence, and a dull thumping. And I start singing in my head: songs, choruses, and hymns to the dull, yet melodious beat. Song after song, not full songs but the first line or two. They just flow for 5-7 minutes. The second to last song is “It is Well with my Soul.” I sing it and ring it in my heart. And then it’s quiet. The MRI is done but my soul sings “Great is thy Faithfulness” in the quiet. Peace in the moment. Awe in the moment. I’ve been in the Presence of my King.
I want to cry . . . but I don’t. I savor it. God showed up and met me. I was prepared for that MRI in a different manner than I expected. It will always – always - be one of my “more than I can imagine” moments. An “I matter” moment. This experience allowed me to go into Friday prepared to hear what we would be told without emotions getting in the way. To listen and not be overwhelmed. To hear the possibilities of treatment success. And to choose hope and courage. To believe in mountain moving and better yet, leveling. I am also choosing to pray “not my will but Yours”, if that is the path set for me.
Thank You, O King of the Universe, that we matter to You. Grant us to believe that and to sing Your praises always. -- Amen.
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God Walks With Us
by Rocky Hovda
"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." -- 2 Corinthians 12:9
It was a Tuesday in July of 2024, and I was headed back to my cabin. I had just finished a talk to a group of Junior High II campers at Lake Beauty Bible Camp and my phone rang, (oddly, I had cell service). The call was from a Twin Cities rental agency, calling about the van we had reserved 3 or 4 months ago to get our high school student group to UNITE. (UNITE is a national Covenant youth gathering, being held in Bowling Green, Ohio). The agent brusquely informed me, “Hey! Your 15-passenger van was shot up in our parking lot last night and won’t be available for you. We don’t have a 12-passenger van or, in fact, any other vehicle for you. Good luck!”
For several minutes, I struggled to process the information as we were supposed to be leaving for Bowling Green in less than 5 days! That afternoon, I spent quite a bit of time praying and reaching out to everyone I could think of who might have a solution for us. By that evening, we had plane tickets to Detroit lined up! What a blessing -- instead of driving all day Sunday, we would leave Monday morning and get to Bowling Green State University in plenty of time for the opening events. I shared all this with the junior high camp students at Chapel that night and said, “Never forget that God is good, even in the hard times.”On Sunday afternoon, my phone rang again. One of my youth pastor friends, Gio, announced that the plane we were supposed to take had been canceled. We needed to be in Ohio by the following evening. Within a few hours, we had a bus agency lined up to take three youth groups (83 people) heading to Bowling Green Monday morning at the same time as our flight would have been. I went to Wal-Mart to purchase water and snacks for the bus ride. No sooner had I returned to the parking lot with cases upon cases of water and tons of snacks than my phone rang again! Gio: “Rocky! You’re not going to believe this! We have plane tickets again!”At 3 a.m. Monday, while loading up the Willmar Bus that would drive us to MSP airport, we could see a crazy, big storm off to our right with dark clouds and huge lightning bolts. Little did we know at that moment, that less than 25 miles away a hail storm and a tornado were ripping through Lake Lillian. Later, we learned storms were all around us as we set out for UNITE..
We arrived at the airport and boarded the plane – only to sit on the tarmac. Over the loudspeaker came the captain’s voice: “Ladies and gentlemen, we are having some issues with the plane. Stay seated and as soon as possible, we will let you know whether we will be able to take off.” I know I was praying, but feared the rest of our group was thinking, “ROCKY!!!” - as I have a reputation for having trouble with transportation on youth group trips. Fortunately, the captain’s next message was, “We’re ready to take off.” We were diverted to Cleveland, a little farther from UNITE than Detroit, but we made it to the event.Our nine students and four leaders had a wonderful week at this high school event. I can’t thank Becca, Victoria, and Nicki, enough for their leadership and love throughout this entire adventure and the event. One thing we practiced throughout the week was what is called a “Selah” pause: Taking time to meditate on God’s Word, singing songs, and/or listening for His voice.
As the week was ending, there was a "global IT crash" which meant our plane to go home was grounded. We were still at the University and had to make a quick decision about how to get home?” Because of the crash, we could not contact the airline by phone or online. The two youth groups we had flown with to get to UNITE decided to charter buses to get home -- at a cost of $15,000. Instead, we decided to go to the airport, hoping that once we were there, we could talk to the Sun Country staff in person and figure something out. Little did we know that Detroit is a small, regional airport and Sun Country doesn’t even have a physical presence there. We spent the next few hours calling Amtrak and Greyhound, and all vehicle and bus rental companies we could find. Suddenly, it dawned on me that many people were stranded in Detroit! Hotels would start filling up and there were 13 of us! We quit looking for transportation and started looking for a place to stay.
As Victoria described it, we found “the unicorn" of hotels. It had transportation to and from the airport; it had a pool; it had a restaurant; it had breakfast! We were able to stay two nights and we got 5 of the last rooms they had. We spent the next two days together, reflecting, praying, building relationships, and practicing what we had learned at UNITE. Sun Country Airlines was down until Saturday. As I got on the phone with them, the students were going to watch a 3-hour movie – Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. I sent them a text: “Which do you think will happen first, the end of the movie or me getting this fixed with Sun Country?”
The movie ended first, but we were able to get a flight back to Minnesota on Sunday night!I’m so grateful for this congregation that supported us through this adventure and all the other adventures of this summer-- with their prayers, financial support, counselors, and in many other ways. And I’m so grateful for our God, who walked with all of us on this adventure and walks with us on this journey called Life.
Thank You, Omnipresent God, that You are always with us and that Your grace issufficient for every trial we face. Help us realize Your presence always. --Amen
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God Reveals Himself
by Dori Guerra
"God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us. --Acts 17:27
In the spring of 2024, I went on vacation to the East Coast with my family. In the weeks before that, at church, we had been challenged to pray “impossible prayers.” I had been asking God to reveal Himself to my dad and my son so they would experience that He is real and powerful.
We were sightseeing in Philadelphia, walking from the Liberty Bell to Reading Market. I looked up and noticed someone passing me on the sidewalk - and couldn't believe my eyes! Elizabeth, a woman who had left our congregation two years ago to live in New York, was right there beside me. I knew she had become homeless but didn’t know she was in Philadelphia. I called out her name as I ran up to hug her. She couldn't believe it either and we both started talking excitedly.
My dad was walking beside me and my son just behind me at the time and both stopped to see what was happening. They were so surprised because they recognized Elizabeth, too!
Elizabeth and I walked arm-in-arm for two hours, sightseeing and catching up. I gave her what money I had and reminded her that I'd buy her a train ticket back to Minnesota if she would come. She said she preferred to stay in Philadelphia where God was using her in the lives of the people she sees on the street. The Lord did an amazing thing that day. Both my dad and my son saw undeniable evidence of God's hand in our lives. I knew it was an answer to my impossible prayer.
Thank you, Eternal One, for working in every situation to draw people to yourself.
Grant us the faith to persevere in impossible prayers. -- Amen.
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Following God's Leading
by Jay Lawton
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,
“This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21
In 1981, I was going through a very dark period in my life. I had recently been divorced after a rather brief marriage. I felt worthless when I thought about my ex-wife's infidelity
and the stigma (as I thought) of a divorce as a Christian. At the end of December, I attended the Urbana Mission Conference in Illinois. As I listened to the speakers and attended the workshops, I became interested in possibly working in a mission organization. I didn’t have a college degree and it seemed a lot of positions required skills I did not possess, so I was a bit concerned about what I could do. A few weeks later, representatives from Covenant Church organizations in Alaska visited our church in Modesto, Calif. The chief engineer from KICY Radio in Nome spoke to the youth group I was helping lead. Though I had no radio experience, the idea of being on the air really intrigued me. I discussed the possibilities with the engineer and concluded that I might like to apply as a volunteer. With the help of our youth pastor, I put together a brief biography and demo tape. I sent them off to Nome and waited to hear back. Not long afterward I received a response, asking how soon I could be there. My church (which I’d only attended for about a year) agreed to support me financially; I gave notice at my job and liquidated some of my possessions. In mid-June, I packed for a one-year commitment and headed off to Nome, Alaska with no real clue what I was in for. As it turned out, I became a pretty decent radio announcer and learned life skills as well. Though I signed up for one year, I stayed for three. After my second year, a young lady from Minnesota arrived as a short-termer and ended up becoming my wife. Looking back, I count this as the most consequential decision I had yet made in my life. The big lesson for me was, “When you follow God’s leading, good things happen.” Though there are still trials, He provides us with what we need to get through.
Thank You, God, for leading us on this journey called Life. Help us to walk with You through all our days. Amen.
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Directed by God
by Wil & Jayme Wright
"A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." --Proverbs 16:9
Jayme and Wil Wright met at Jayme’s junior prom in Willmar, where each of them was dating a different person, but didn’t keep in touch after that. Wil went to Ridgewater for a couple of years and then up to NDSU in Mechanical Engineering. After a year, he decided he wanted to pursue Aviation Mechanics and found out about a school in Watertown, SD.
WIL: I thought this was where God wanted me to go. The school year was approaching, I had applied, been accepted, gotten my tools, registered for classes. However, I couldn’t find a place to live. The week that classes started, I still didn’t have anywhere to live, so I couldn’t go to school!
JAYME: I spent a semester at the Solid Rock gap year program, but realized that wasn’t where God wanted me, so I came home, worked, helped with the New London Covenant youth group and got involved with JOPPA, a young adults ministry, after leader Jeff Schmitz nagged me into it.
WIL: To my consternation, I took a year off school and stayed in Willmar to work. While I was here, I wanted to do productive things, so when a friend invited me to JOPPA, I decided to get involved as I knew Jeff from Ridgewater’s campus ministry. Through the year in JOPPA, Jayme and I got to know each other and fell in love, and after I went off to Watertown for school, we got engaged in December and married the following summer.
JAYME: Looking back, we see that God moved us both back to Willmar for that year so that we could find each other. We’re so grateful!
WIL: At the end of the next school year, we were married and living in Watertown as I prepared to graduate with my Aviation Maintenance license. We were wondering and praying about where we should settle. At this time, Rocky Hovda (youth director at First Covenant Church) reached out to Jayme. Jayme had been involved in the Sunday night youth groups with Rocky for years, and he said that the Lord had laid it on his heart to ask if the two of us would be interested in being youth leaders that summer.
Our response was, “Maybe. If I can get a job in or near Willmar, we’ll do that.”
I knew Willmar had an airport but didn’t know anything about it, so I Googled it and found Eric, the manager who ran the maintenance shop. I called him and told him I was graduating in a month with my license; he gave me a job over the phone!
JAYME: This wasn’t the only confirmation God gave us. We were both working at Target in Watertown at the time, and both were laid off in May, which gave us time to house hunt. A friend of Wil’s parents had a lake home to rent out, which was doable financially – he ended up being the best landlord we ever had.
We started looking for a house to buy. Normally, Wil is very thorough and cautious in decision-making, but the moment he saw our house, he said, “Yep, that’s the one.” I was confident this was from the Lord, because Wil never does things that way! As it turned out, we bought the house at just the right time; shortly thereafter, the market began to skyrocket, but we had our mortgage rate locked in. We are grateful to the Lord for bringing us together, bringing us to Willmar, giving us our home and giving us our son, Liam, in His perfect timing.
Thank You, Father, that You know better than we do. Thank You for directing our steps in the paths You have for us. -- Amen
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"Opening the Pearly Gates"
by Myron Carlson
"He the pearly gates will open; So that I may enter in; For He purchased my redemption; And forgave me all my sin. (ref Rev. 21:21)
On a Monday morning in 2022, my mother, who lived independently in a condo, called me in Florida, where Carolie and I were volunteering with a ministry. I had a hard time understanding her; the main thing I understood was that she was dying. I reassured her that we were flying home the next day and told her I would come to her after my medical appointments on Wednesday. On Thursday, at 5:30 pm, Carolie and I arrived at the Ortonville hospital and Mom looked very bad. My brother, his wife, my sister, and her daughter were around the bed watching. They had been caring for her all day without much response. When I came through the door, I took Mom by the shoulders and told her how much I loved her and how much she meant to our family. Suddenly, she perked up and we all had a wonderful visit for over three hours. She was joking and chuckling. God’s hand was in the conversation as we laughed a lot.
Around 8:30 pm the nurse came in to give her another relaxing medication. We prayed and she expressed her gratitude to the Lord. We were ready to leave when she asked if we would sing “He the Pearly Gates Will Open.” My sister and sister-in-law found the tune on their iPhones. I was somewhat familiar with the song and Mom led us all in singing it. We all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.
Midway through the next morning, my brother called to say she had passed away. I saw God's providence in how we were all together with her at the end. I still miss her and her quirky smile, but I do not wish her back. After giving Mother a full life of 97 years, He the pearly gates did open and she is in a much better place.
Thank You, God of the living, for eternal life and the promise of a blessed reunion with our loved ones.
Thank you that we do not grieve as ones with no hope. -- Amen
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The Joy of Fellowship
by Pastor Chris Pappenfus
"The brothers and sisters there had heard that we were coming, and they traveled as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us.
At the sight of these people, Paul thanked God and was encouraged. -- Acts 28:15
In 2012, I was on my way to the Ubangi region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo – a place in the northwest corner of that large and beautiful country, which is hard to reach. I flew from Minneapolis to Chicago to meet the rest of the team, and they entrusted me with a trunk full of laptops for the medical staff in DRC. They said, “Pray, pray, pray that these can get through customs; they could easily be confiscated.”
After our flight to Brussels, Belgium, we got on another plane to Kinshasa, (the capital of DRC), which stopped at several other African locations before our arrival. In Kinshasa, we went through several customs where, by the grace of God and despite my speaking no French and no Lingala, the laptops and I made it through.
We were given eight hours to rest in a guest house before we were brought back to the airport for our Air Congo flight to our final destination: Gemena. Air Congo sells as many tickets as people will buy, and boarding the flight is first come, first served. So, we had to get there early to get our seats since there were no assigned seats. At this point, they weigh the plane to determine whether they have enough fuel to get everyone where they need to go; if they don’t, they start pulling people off the plane until they do.
We managed to get seats on the flight that morning. Our airplane was a retired Delta plane, which US flight inspectors had no doubt rejected for American flights. We had two stops before our destination. Every time the plane landed, ceiling panels fell, releasing clouds of black soot which billowed through the cabin until the ventilation system pulled them all the way through. I’m a nervous flyer to begin with, so by the time we landed in Gemena, I was a wreck. I was exhausted as I’d been en route for three days. By African standards, this journey was a miracle of efficiency and smoothness, but I was wiped out. All I wanted to do was take a nap.
The missionaries announced that our first stop would be Bokonzo; “there is a celebration in your honor.” I thought, “Oh my goodness. A celebration?” My heart sank. But, as our Land Rover made its way up the road to Bokonzo Covenant Church, the road was lined with all of our Congolese brothers and sisters. There were bands and choirs, and everyone was singing, and suddenly, my heart was overflowing and I was so grateful to God because I was surrounded and welcomed with such love by other believers.
As if that weren’t enough, the president of the Covenant Church of Congo who was introducing all of us, knew my parents and I had been missionaries. When he asked me to stand up, he declared in his accented English, “I would like to introduce to you Pastor Christopher Pappenfus, a son of Gemena.” A son of Gemena! I do not look like a son of Gemena. But these believers were saying, “You are one of us because we are all one in Christ Jesus.” I sobbed. I had no right to be called a son of Gemena, but there I was. The true fellowship I experienced with these brothers and sisters, after the complete exhaustion and distress of the previous three days, will always be one of my fondest memories.
Thank You, Jesus, for the bond You create between Your followers. Thank You
for the refreshing of the Holy Spirit in the fellowship of believers. -- Amen
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Many Hands Make Light Work
by Kari Stadem
"…We will grow to become…the mature body of Him who is the head, that is, Christ. From Him,
the whole body…grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. -- Ephesians 4:15-167
On a Thursday afternoon, my sister-in-law, Tanya, shared her husband Steve’s medical update over the phone, and our conversation turned to the upcoming Plain View Farm Reunion.
"I’m a little concerned about what will get done this weekend,” Tanya confessed.
“No doubt!” I replied.
Tanya’s daughter, Aanna, had scheduled her wedding (now less than three months away) at the grandparents’ farm, and plenty still needed to be done to accommodate the celebration. A huge storm had blown through the week before, scattering large branches all over (which caused Steve’s accident as he worked trying to clean up. A "work weekend” had been scheduled. However, we usually didn’t get much work done because the relatives loved to chat, and it was difficult to manage so many people. Steve, (who usually coordinated our efforts), wouldn’t be there because he was hospitalized; most of my large family wouldn’t be there because our son was also in the hospital. How would anything get done? What would the farm look like by the wedding?
On Monday, Tanya and I spoke again. She was elated. “It’s like a miracle!” she exclaimed.
A cousin had taken over the management, and everyone present had worked steadily and swiftly as a team. They had cleaned up the branches from the storm; completed the deck; installed the kitchen cabinets, and finished several other smaller projects. We could hardly believe it.
Aanna’s wedding went without a hitch in September, with beautiful weather and an even more beautiful lakeside arbor. The reception guests milled about on the brand-new deck and in the rustic, decorated barn, courtesy of the relatives who pitched in at a time of great need and joined together to build something greater than anyone could have accomplished alone.
Head of the Body, thank You for working through Your people to bless the world. May we join in Your great purpose every day, through Christ’s power. --Amen.
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God Answers Knee-mail!
by Kelly Morrell
"When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me." -- Psalm 86:7
As Willmar is the central economic hub for western Minnesota, local businesses and community members have pushed for years for better transportation routes to the metropolitan area. Most recently, the Kandiyohi Economic Development Commission (EDC) founded the Highway 23 Coalition in 2017, after the announcement of possible funds through the Corridors of Commerce state government initiative. Members of the Coalition, including me as a business owner, funded lobbying efforts. Despite an impressive effort by everyone involved, Hwy 23 was not awarded funds in the spring of 2018. Meanwhile, Spicer’s Green Lake had been selected as the site for the annual “Governor’s Fishing Opener” in May 2018. Over the years, I have guided kids hundreds of times on Green Lake, so why not host the Governor? I applied online and became the Governor’s Official Fishing Guide
The week before the opener, Aaron Backman, the EDC Director, called me to his office and explained we might have one last chance to get Hwy 23 funds through a bonding bill. We thought we could stock the boat with Hwy 23 Coalition cards and I could mention them to Democratic Governor Mark Dayton while he was fishing. That seemed simple enough.
It wasn’t until the day before the opener that I received the agenda and realized how far over my head I would be! I had to give 13 radio interviews, followed by two television spots, and a speech at the boat access in front of hundreds of people. I was completely overwhelmed. When I got home, a sign on our wall struck me for the first time: “God answers knee-mail”. I went into my bedroom, got on my knees, and admitted, “This is too much, Lord. I need Your help. Help me to represent this community and give you the glory through this event.”
Saturday morning’s interviews and speech were a blur. I wasn’t too worried about the fishing as I had a plan. My neighbor had taken another boat to the lake earlier to reserve a spot at the inlet of the Ye Olde Mill, where we were guaranteed to catch at least bass. I had two surprises as we got into the boat. The first was the additional guests who squeezed in: Senate Majority (Republican) Leader Paul Gazelka and his son; House Majority (Republican) Leader Kurt Doudt, and House Minority (Democrat) Leader Melissa Hortmann. The second surprise was that all the Hwy 23 promotional material had been removed from the boat by the Governor’s staff. We were catching fish as hoped through the morning. I was truly impressed with the high level of respect each representative showed each other regardless of their affiliated parties. The honor they treated each other with was a sharp contrast to how politics is portrayed in the media.
After a few hours, Governor Dayton was ready to call it a day. Unfortunately, there had been zero opportunity to work any type of Hwy 23 discussion into the conversation. What should I do?
As we were heading back to the landing, I cut the motor and said, “I would be remiss if I didn’t share the importance of the funding for the Hwy 23 project for our community. The disappointing news of the Corridors of Commerce awards couldn’t have come at a worse time as it coincided with the funeral arrangement for the young Shumaker boy from New London who lost his life on Hwy 23 just north of New London. It would mean a great deal if you could include this project with your bonding bill.” There was a quiet pause in the boat. Governor Dayton broke the silence with, “I’d vote for that!” And then the others all chimed in and nodded their heads. Governor Dayton declared, ”Let’s seal it with a fist bump, Kelly!”
And so we did. I started the engine back up and proceeded to the access, totally blown away by what had just happened. All the leaders of opposing parties had just unanimously agreed to a 105-million-dollar project in the boat. When we reached the dock, Governor Dayton announced, “We caught fish - and resolved the Hwy 23 project.” There was a loud cheer! Many people had been key in laying the groundwork over the years for passing this project. Some people have shared with me that their prayers had joined mine for the event. It was clear to me that God should get the credit - and that He answers “knee-mail”!
Thank you, Heavenly Father, that you answer us when we call. Thank you for strengthening us to do the tasks we are appointed to do.
Help us do them in your name and in your way. --Amen.
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Into the Ditch
by Barb Swanson
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,
to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21
One early, wintry, and freezing cold Saturday morning, our family was traveling north to a music event for one of our kids. As drizzle started to fall, the road we were on suddenly glazed over with a sheet of ice. Just as this happened, there was a curve in the road ahead, and an oncoming car slid over the middle line and was coming straight for us. Everything was sheer ice, and the only place to go was the ditch. Tim turned toward the shoulder that led to a very full ditch – full of metal signs, poles, and an electrical tower. As a few of the members in the car breathed out softly “Oh no” and “Jesus,” the van slid into the ditch on a trajectory headed directly for the metal poles. Somehow, we glided between and past the poles – not even grazing one that was almost touching the van- when suddenly we seemed to be transported effortlessly, almost as though floating on a cloud, over the rest of the ditch. The van set down gently onto the shoulder of an intersecting road. We sat unharmed in silence, until someone said out loud, “What just happened?” We did not drive to our destination that day. Instead, we stayed at a motel and had a wonderful family time together, thanking and praising God, amazed at how He does what to us seems impossible.
Thank You, heavenly Father, for Your impossible acts of divine mercy. Help us to ask You for every need and accept Your answers gratefully. -- Amen.​
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The Prayers of God’s People
by Annette Thompson
"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. -- Galatians 6:2"
It was immediately before my second surgery. I was lying in the surgical waiting area with my heart pounding out of my chest from fear. My surgeon came into my room, leaned right down over my face and said, “You know, I was praying for you early this morning.”
I didn’t hear anything else that he said. All I could think about was the thousand-pound weight that was lifted from my shoulders and the fact that I could literally see the prayers of the people praying for me that day. I told my doctor a little while later, “You know, you’ve set a new precedent here. I won’t agree to any surgeries from now on unless you have first prayed for me.” To my great satisfaction, he happily agreed.
There was nothing I needed more that day than knowing that people were praying for me. Who would have believed that I was actually thanking God as I was rolled into surgery that day?
Thank You, God, for inspiring Your people to pray for others. Help us to lift one another up to You in prayer regularly. Amen.​
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In God's Eyes
by Tammy Moll
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door,
I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me. =Revelation 3:20
At a worship service I attended years ago, Pastor Dan called people to the altar for healing. He said there was someone in the congregation who felt dirty. I knew he meant me. I can’t recall why I felt so unworthy of God’s love at the time, but I wanted to get up and run out the back door and into the darkness of night, or to the altar, and yet I couldn’t move.
As I sat in the pew with my hands over my eyes, I thought if I covered them God wouldn’t see my dirty soul. Pastor Dan knelt in the pew in front of me, trying to remove my hands from my face. I fought him, suspecting that if he looked at me he would know the things I had done. As he stood there praying, I heard a voice not of this earth say, “Look at Me and be clean.”
I slowly peeled my hands from my face, like I used to peel school glue from my skin as a child. The eyes that looked back at me weren’t those of Pastor Dan or any human. They were like pools of the clearest blue water, eyes of forgiveness and love.
At first, I clamped my hands back over my face, saying, “No, no, no!” Using Pastor Dan, the Lord gently and lovingly took my hands away and I knew I was looking into the eyes of my Lord. I knew that nothing I could do would ever make Him go away. I would experience His love, no matter my sin, as long as I come to Him, humble myself, and ask for His forgiveness. He forgave me that night, as He has so many other nights before and since. He is always at the door knocking. I just need to open my heart door and let Jesus in.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your unfailing grace and mercy to us. Help us to receive Your love without fear and with thanksgiving. -- Amen.​
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Son Asks for Advice
by Alan Moll
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
One evening in 2017, my 38-year-old son called to ask me for advice. No, he wasn’t looking for guidance in buying a car, nor was he seeking my insight on how to invest his savings. Instead, he asked my opinion on how to interpret a difficult passage of Scripture. He had been discussing the verses with his wife, and now he turned to me for my thoughts. We discussed the meaning together and he thanked me for my insight.
My son and his wife were wrestling with Scripture together – searching God’s Word to determine how to live their lives. I felt honored and joyful that he was comfortable discussing it with his father. I trusted that over the years, he had seen evidence that I was a disciple of God and had studied Scripture as the source of God’s will.
I didn’t hear how my son and daughter-in-law ended up interpreting that piece of Scripture, but what was important to me was the process they used. They searched the Bible together for meaning and involved others in the process. I pray that they train their children in the “way they should go,” and that their children feel comfortable discussing God’s Word with them.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your promises. Thank you for whatever beneficial training we received from our parents.
Help us train our children and grandchildren in the way they should go and forgive us when we fall short. Amen.
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God Provides the Best Heart Care
by Marlene Hovland
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
On Feb. 29, 2020, my husband Dan and I had our bags packed and were sleeping. We were scheduled to fly back to Minnesota from Austin, Texas, the next morning. I was sleeping until 1:30 a.m. when Dan woke me panting, “Oh God, I can’t get my breath.” He hadn’t been feeling well most of the day. I suggested we go to the living room where he could sit up. This didn’t help, so I roused our hostess, my sister, Joyce. We were very concerned, but not panicking.
Dan thought it might be an asthma attack that would have a quick fix, so we packed our bags into Joyce’s car. She took us to the hospital emergency room about ten minutes away. Dan’s exam and an EKG led the doctor to say, “You’re not going anywhere, soon.” That was doubly distressing: Dan was seriously ill and we could not return home as planned. Joyce was very supportive as we digested what this meant and I called to cancel our flight home. I stayed with Dan and prayed fervently as he had lots of fluid drawn from his chest with a bi-pap machine. After a few hours he felt more comfortable. I returned to Joyce’s home to get some rest.
Further tests showed Dan had a torn heart mitral valve. He was moved and put in the care of an experienced open-heart surgeon at Ascension Seton Medical Center, a reputable heart hospital near Joyce’s home. I enlisted prayers from our pastor and family as I spent parts of every day with Dan. Three days after his first symptoms Dan had a successful heart valve repair and started to recuperate. Joyce drove me to the hospital and on some tours in Austin with other visiting family members during Dan’s nine-day stay.
Joyce and her husband, David, further extended their wonderful hospitality to us after Dan was released. From their house, Dan and I took many walks together. At first, they were slow, short ones -- then longer ones at a better pace as he got stronger.
All this time, we were being prayed for by family and members of our Covenant Church back home. God’s peace enfolded us. We were grateful that the hospital was near Joyce’s home and that we had wonderful free lodging for a total of thirty days. We visited one of our hosts’ favorite restaurants at the end of the month. The next day, all of Austin’s restaurants closed due to Covid-19.
As we started to plan our return home, our children were concerned about the safety of flying because of Covid. Two sons and a son-in-law drove 18 hours straight from Minnesota to pick us up. After a two-day trip we returned, happy and healthy, to our Willmar home. Reflecting on this ordeal, I see God’s excellent provision for our every need.
Thank You, heavenly Father, for seeing everything we need and graciously providing it through many different avenues. Amen.
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"God's Ways Are Higher"
by Pete Stadem
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” --Isaiah 55:9
A good friend of mine, Delroy, visited our family reunions at Plain View Farm for many years running. He enjoyed the fellowship, and helped out by mowing the lawn. After being absent for a few years, he was interested in returning to the gathering and introducing his fiancée, Ruth, to his South Dakota friends. Neither of them can drive, so they depend on others for transportation.
On the phone with Del, I was optimistic that we could help. Unfortunately, I often take on more than I can handle, and my family has to pick up the slack. That year there was a lot going on: I would be driving straight to PVF from Starbuck, Minn., my wife had to return home midway through the reunion, and my children had full cars and strange schedules.
Often, I either force my will on or try to manipulate a family member: “You’re taking Del – it’s the right thing to do!” Lately, I’ve been learning the value of freely allowing others to make choices, so I began to think maybe Del wouldn’t be able to come after all.
Then it occurred to me to bring the problem to the Lord. I asked, “God, how can I help Delroy get out to South Dakota?” My cousin Mike, who usually came to the reunion, came to my mind. I called Mike. He responded to my request: “Yeah, I think we can do that!” Delroy and Ruth met up with Mike and his friends and packed everything in tightly. They had a good trip out to the farm and enjoyed their weekend immensely.
Dear Jesus, help us relax and trust that Your ways are higher than our ways. Help us give up trying
to force or manipulate others. Grant us to seek Your help, and to recognize it with gratitude when You send it. --Amen​
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"Jury Duty"
by Kelly Morrell
“And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” -- Esther 4:14
As I sat in the jury box, I silently asked, “Lord, what are you up to?” I’ve been called for jury duty several times over the years, but always released for a variety of reasons. On this day, when I discovered that “John” was the defendant, I was 100% certain I would not have to miss any work in following through on my civic duty. I knew the defendant personally – and not in a good way.
My company, Concrete Products of New London, was looking to fill a critical machine operator position. I’d found John by paying a substantial fee to a “headhunter” firm, covered his relocation expenses, and hired him. Unfortunately, his resume had greatly overstated his skills. We still needed help and the finder’s fee was nonrefundable, so we kept John on to train as a machine operator. He never really grasped the workings of the machine, but another member of his team was so mechanically inclined that he made up for John’s shortcomings until one Friday night in late winter. John made a major mistake, causing a fire that spread through the plant, causing over a quarter of a million dollars in damage. This was the last straw for us, and John was dismissed.
Two weeks later John, still unemployed, sat in his backyard at a bonfire finishing his second case of beer while holding a 22-caliber handgun and threatening suicide. His wife, in extreme panic, called the police department. Officers approached from both sides of the house with their guns drawn. John was extremely drunk, sitting in a camping chair with his back to the house. As the officers addressed John, telling him to drop the gun and put his hands up, he tried to turn and get out of the chair - but he hadn’t dropped the gun yet. Both officers shot multiple times and hit him three times. One bullet penetrated his hip, where it remains today.
When I arrived at the courthouse, John had been brought up on two counts of second-degree assault against a policeman and one count of threats of violence. All the prospective jury members were questioned by both prosecuting and defending attorneys, and a few were dismissed for different reasons, but even after they questioned me, I remained. The judge finally asked if there was anything that any juror should disclose about prior knowledge or relationships that might affect a decision in this case. As I couldn’t believe I was still a prospect, I stood up and told the court that I was the employer who had dismissed John two weeks before the incident. I can only imagine what each side – and John - was thinking about me sitting on the jury. Despite this, no one objected and I was selected for the jury. At this point, it seemed clear to me that God had caused this and I wondered what His purpose was.
After hearing the case, the jury was instructed by the judge and sent to a room for deliberation. Despite my clear relationship with the defendant, I was nominated as the foreman of the jury. I would describe this jury as the “wild, wild west.” It seemed that everyone had vastly different perspectives which influenced how they interpreted what they had heard in the trial. A large percentage of the jurors felt strongly that if you have a gun when cops are on the scene, you are going to jail, period. This majority was led by a huge guy with an engineering background. His size alone generated respect in the room.
I shared my perspective that although I had personal reasons to support the prosecution, John was in dire straits, drunk off his rocker, and didn’t intend to harm anyone but himself on that day. We deliberated back and forth all day and it seemed we might be a hung jury. Eventually, one well-spoken, strong-willed gal spoke up in support of John. It was the start of positive momentum for his cause. As time ticked away, I realized that if we didn’t reach a consensus within the next hour, we’d be coming back tomorrow.
At 4:10 p.m., the engineer decided he could support acquitting John of the assault charges. With his decision, the other jurors who supported the “guilty on all charges” verdict conceded as well.
John was acquitted of the serious “second-degree assault against a policeman” charges, which could have included years of jail time. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail for “threats of violence,” but his hospital stay was included as time served. He walks today with a cane and brace.
Thank You, God, for working in sometimes mysterious ways. Thank You for using
us to accomplish Your works of mercy. Help us to see Your hand in all things. -- Amen.
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Interstate Incident"
by Barb Swanson
“Before they call, I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24
Many years ago, my husband, Tim, and I were traveling on I-94 West in Minneapolis driving at full speed. Our car was in the farthest left lane next to a concrete median barrier. There were two other lanes to the right of us filled with traffic.
As we came around a bend in the highway, terror filled us as we saw, only seconds ahead, an immense roll of carpet, taller than the hood of our car and stretched entirely across our lane! It completely blocked the road directly in front of us. The traffic was heavy and fast; there were vehicles behind us and to the right of us, so there was nowhere to go and no time to even slow down. Gripped by the realization of the impact about to occur, I whispered aloud, “Jesus, help.”
Immediately, a huge semi-truck barreled up on our right, passing us at high speed. As it moved ahead, the left front of the truck knocked the carpet roll, sending it into a 90-degree spin out of our way – as if a gate had opened for us to pass through. In the blink of an eye, a whispered impossible prayer was on God’s radar before it was even thought or uttered. Thank you, Lord! Wow!
Thank You, heavenly Father, for Your miraculous acts of salvation, both for eternity
and in our everyday lives. Help us to glorify and praise Your Name always.
-- Amen.
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"The Holy Spirit is Real"
by Annette Thompson
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever the Spirit of truth. The world
cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. -- John 14:16-17
Before we moved here, my husband and I were attending a Full Gospel fellowship. One night at a ladies’ event, a special speaker began to share her real-life account of abduction, torture, and captivity. Ten days after her terrible ordeal began, the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit each began to minister to her in their own unique way and gave her a very specific set of tasks. After hearing the dramatic story of how the Holy Spirit helped this woman to escape, my life was forever changed. I had heard about the Triune Father, Son, and Holy Spirit my whole life as I went to church and Sunday school and studied the Bible, but hearing this story made the Holy Spirit very real to me. I’m so grateful for that lesson. In the challenges and trials I was to face for the next 30 years, I really needed the Holy Spirit in my life to direct and comfort and walk beside me day by day.
At one point, there was a period of unrest and surely a time of grieving the Holy Spirit at that church. Many Sundays I couldn’t even bring myself to go because it made me so sad. One particular Sunday, when I was at my lowest physically and spiritually, I decided to just go so someone could pray for me and I could feel better.
For the first and only time, that pastor instructed us to all join hands across the aisles and pray for the person on our right. “Really, Lord? I came here today so needy and you want me to pray for someone else?” Well, I obeyed instructions. Less than ten seconds after I sat down, the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. The person on my left had also been praying for me! My next prayer was for forgiveness. I learned that the Holy Spirit is real and that blessings come when I consider others more important than myself.
Thank You, Holy Spirit, for comforting us, guiding us and teaching us. -- Amen.
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"Bully on the Bus"
by Chris Pappenfus
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1
One afternoon in fourth grade, at the back of the bus on the way home from school, I was entertaining my circle of friends with my usual quick-witted and sarcastic comments – compensation for my lack of physical or athletic prowess. My target was a brooding hulk of a fifth grader by the name of Robby. As I casually remarked on Robby’s general lack of hygiene and desperate social depravity, I wasn’t worried about retribution, counting on my ring of able-bodied fourth graders plus the no-nonsense driver keeping a watchful eye in the big rearview mirror. The laughter I was soliciting from my peers at Robby’s expense was well worth the risk.
In my euphoria, I failed to realize that Robby hadn’t gotten off the bus at his usual stop. I was a bit shocked to see him still in his seat as I got off. Robby rose up behind me like a grizzly bear and followed me down the center aisle. As I turned to exit the bus, I cast a nervous glance back to my friends standing wide-eyed in the back of the bus and began plotting a desperate run to safety. But Robby had a firm grip on my backpack and I realized that the law of the jungle was about to kick in: only the strong will survive!
As Robby dragged me behind my neighbor’s fence, my idle threats and pleas for mercy seemed to fall on deaf ears. Robby didn’t say a word; he simply threw me to the ground and let his fists and feet do the talking. After a brief but painful pummeling he wrapped his arm around my neck in a chokehold and finally spoke: “If I see you on the bus again tomorrow, I’ll assume you want me to beat you to a pulp.” With that, he lumbered back up the street towards his house. I wiped the tears from my face and took stock of my injuries, wondering how I was going to explain this to my mom and if she would be willing to place me under police protection.
That evening I recounted the incident to my dad, already starting to embellish the story for maximum effect. But he didn’t respond as I expected. Having observed me over the past few years, he asked directly: “What did you say that made Robby so angry?” As I confessed my part in the altercation, he listened with compassion and my resentment began to soften. My dad then explained some things about Robby’s home life that I hadn’t known. I started to imagine what it was like for Robby to endure my ugly comments. Suddenly new emotions flooded me: shame and regret.
I knew I had to apologize to Robby. I knew I was going to endure a litany of questions and probably some teasing from my friends, and I also knew that if I ever rode that bus again I was a dead man! My father calmed my anxiety by offering to meet me at the bus stop.
After a long and awkward day at school, avoiding both my usual joking with my friends and the fifth-grade hallway, I hung back until the very last minute before boarding Bus 12. Robby stared at me as I bolted past him on my way to the back of the bus. I was uncharacteristically quiet on that bus ride and my friends seemed content to hold a kind of silent vigil in what might be my final hour. As we neared Robby’s stop, I hoped against hope that he would get off; maybe he’d had a change of heart, or maybe he’d injured himself punching me. No such luck.
Seeing Dad waiting for me at my stop, I felt a mixture of relief and embarrassment that I needed my daddy to fight my battles for me. As Robby stepped off the bus behind me, he noticed my dad standing in our neighbor's yard and I could sense him starting to plan his own hasty retreat up the street. Dad called, “Robby, I need to talk to you for a minute.”
I waited off to the side as my father calmly confronted my enemy. I didn’t hear what he said but his tone was gentle, yet firm. Robby stared at his feet, occasionally nodding or shaking his head and only once gesturing in my direction. Finally, my dad turned and called me to join them. I approached with a sense of confidence now that my dad had put this bully in his place. As I drew near, my dad put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Chris, what would you like to say to Robby?”
I thought to myself, “Why am I the one who has to apologize first? He was the one throwing punches. He was the one who couldn’t take a joke. He was the one who resorted to violence!” Yet, in that space, under the protective arm of my father, I found I could accept my sinful behavior and apologize for the hurtful things I had said.
Robby continued to stare at his feet but added, “And I’m sorry I beat you up.”
We stood there in silence for a while before my dad spoke again. “Robby, I don’t want you to beat Chris up ever again. Chris, I don’t ever want to hear of you bullying Robby or anyone else on the bus again. Am I clear?”
Robby was quick to answer, “Yes, sir.”
“Yes,” I added.
Dad kept his hand on my shoulder as we walked back to our house. We talked about other things, light-hearted and delightful things. Dad never mentioned my “bus bullying” again. And though I didn’t become friends with Robby, neither he nor I ever bullied each other again.
Thank You, heavenly Father, that You gently and firmly convict us of our sins and give us the grace to repent.
Thank You that You have fought the battle for us and in Your strong arms we experience mercy and forgiveness. Amen.
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Follow His Lead
by Dan Sands
“Oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory. Let your hand be with me,
and keep me from the evil one.” And God granted his request. -- 1 Chronicles 4:9-10
Growing up, I was intrigued by people who went into the mission field but never thought it was a calling of mine. I’m very much a homebody and wasn’t interested in traveling.
In late 2004, our youth pastor offered a trip to Ecuador for youth and adults. I immediately felt prompted to go and leaned over to my wife and said, “I think I need to do this.” My wife was shocked to hear me say this but wasn’t inclined to argue. Following God’s prompting, I became a part of the church's 2005 Ecuador trip. Through this trip, my passion for Ecuador began.
Since then, I’ve been to Ecuador eight times. Over 100 different people from our church have come along and we have seen lives changed -- not only those of the Ecuadorians but also those who went on these trips. I saw God at work countless times during those years.
The strange thing about all of this is that God chose me and gave me the passion to continue my relationship with the people in Ecuador. I feel that I was the least likely and the least qualified to lead trips to Ecuador, but God had different plans. I’m so thankful that I listened to God’s prompting and not my own brain. I continue to have a heart for Ecuador and encourage people to go where they feel God is leading them. Trusting God changes our lives.
Thank You, Almighty God, for calling us to do more than we ask or think. Help us to follow Your promptings. Amen.
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My Earthly Angel
by Tammy Moll
Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. -- Isaiah 65:24
Several years ago, my younger brother passed away without warning. He did not prepare for this part of life, so it was up to me and three other siblings to bury him. Alan and I contributed a fourth of the cost and he was cremated and laid to rest in West Virginia.
The tombstone was not taken care of at that time, so after two years of waiting for my older siblings, Alan and I decided that it was time to mark the spot on this planet that held my brother’s remains. I ordered a simple flat stone to be shipped to the church attached to the cemetery. The church treasurer in West Virginia, Lauren, planned to receive the stone and have it laid. Unfortunately, due to a mix-up in the order, it came to our home in Minnesota instead. The tombstone had already cost more than I planned, and now I would have to pay more than $100 to ship it to the church. After I called and explained to Lauren why the stone was delayed, she volunteered to ask the church to cover the cost of having it installed. They said yes, and paid for the stone to be laid at the gravesite.
About a year later, I was in the throes of panic over a troubling issue. The phone rang one day, while I was begging God for help, and it was Lauren. At first, I was worried something had happened to my brother’s stone. But no, she felt a leading from Christ to contact me. He had arranged it so she could pray for and with me. As we talked and prayed, I knew God was watching over me, which helped my soul become settled. I knew He would take care of my problems.
Thank you, Lord, for sending your earthly angels to help care for us when we need your loving and strong arms. -- Amen
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A Prayer for Healing
by Alan Moll
The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16
On Feb., 5, 2024, Tammy and I were on vacation at Wisconsin Dells, joined by my son Andrew and his family. All of us were having a wonderful time at the water parks. Our grandchildren spent hours each day in the water, living like fish. However, our enjoyment was marred by several of us having a stubborn cough. My daughter-in-law, Bethany, had it the worst. She had been coughing for several weeks and had recently gotten better. But now she was coughing constantly, making it difficult to have joy or get any sleep. She was ready to go to the doctor.
The next morning, I was surprised to receive a text from a church member. This person was starting the new year with a prayer calendar – seeking out prayer needs to further the work of God’s Kingdom. She asked how she could pray for me. I told her about the coughing and asked her to pray for everyone’s health. I then informed Bethany that someone was praying for her. That in itself was a step of faith. It would be easier not to mention it, to avoid any disappointment. I was reminded of Mark 9:24, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!"
That evening at supper, Bethany exclaimed, "The prayer worked – I’m no longer a coughing maniac! " And she was right. I couldn’t remember the last time I heard her cough.
What a joy and blessing – God’s love and grace at work, our church family supporting each other in our daily needs and my immediate family experiencing God’s healing power. In addition, I was humbled by my lack of faith. I will spend more time noticing how God answers prayer.
Thank You, heavenly Father, for saying yes to Your people’s prayers. Amen.
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Angels Watching Over
by Barb Buer
"For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” Psalm 91:11
In 1995, my husband, Mike, our two young children, and I took a road trip from Atwater, Minn., to Kent, Wash., to visit my mom. We decided to drive through the night the first night so the kids could sleep. We’d stay in a hotel the second night and have a shorter drive on the final day. We left home at 9:00 on Sunday night.
On Monday, we were all exhausted. At about 4:00 in the afternoon, an hour from our Montana hotel, all four of us fell asleep. Mike, who was driving, had the van on cruise control. It veered off the freeway and hit an approach in the ditch. This woke us all up -- in midair! As the van sailed through the air, Mike heard his father’s voice say, “Step on it!” His dad had yelled that same instruction to him years before on very icy roads, while Mike was at the wheel and had to take the ditch to avoid hitting another car. On that occasion, he had driven right out of the ditch.
Mike followed those same orders when the van hit the ground. He accelerated instead of braking and kept the wheels straight. We landed hard but did not flip. He drove about 75 yards before coming to a stop on the shoulder of the freeway. The kids said they were okay and no one had screamed or cried. We were all in shock, but grateful to be in one piece.
Mike and I got out of the van to assess the damage. The car-top carrier was gone, and the impact of hitting the ground so hard bent the body of the van. As a result, the sliding back door wouldn’t completely close and latch.
Almost immediately, out of nowhere, two guys in a pickup truck appeared with our car-top carrier. They said they had watched it fly off the van and picked it up to return it to us. They kindly asked us if we needed any help or if anyone was hurt. We said we were okay and that the van was drivable. We thanked them and they drove on ahead.
Right after they left, a young woman stopped and jumped out of her car. She said she’d watched the whole thing and just wanted to make sure we were okay. She was very sweet and concerned about us. We thanked her for stopping and told her we were going to go straight to our hotel and hoped to get a good night’s sleep. I remember turning to Mike on our way to the hotel and saying, “I feel like I’ve seen her before.”
Every time we reflect on that experience, we are humbled and grateful to God for his protection that day. As for the individuals who stopped to help, and the voice in Mike’s head -- we wonder if they were "Good Samaritans" - or possibly guardian angels!
Father, thank You for Your guidance and protection all the days of our lives -- Amen.
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A Precious One Rescued from Wandering
by Carolie Carlson
“Jesus Christ) gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age.” Galatians 1:4
Last spring, Myron and I were sad to euthanize our 13-year-old Yorkiepoo, Bella. We rescued her 10 years ago. A few weeks later, another rescue dog arrived on the scene. Myron was excited as the dog’s foster mom handed this pathetic-looking creature to me in a parking lot in Worthington. However, I thought this ill-groomed dog was the most unkempt I had ever seen! Even so, Myron convinced me we should give him a chance.
We agreed that we would keep the “Rocco” name of this 2-year-old Yorkiepoo, and decided to give him the middle name “Tony” to thank the gentleman who helped us navigate Petfinders online.
For many months, Rocco had been running wild at great peril to himself in the small town where he was rescued. As we researched our new canine’s names, we learned “Rocco” means “rest,” and “Tony” means “precious one.”
By now this energetic puppy has won both of our hearts! He loves to cuddle and he loves to play. When it’s too cold to fetch outdoors, our nights see balls flying indoors! Our home is littered with little squeaky balls and stuffed toys he loves to shake.
His name, “Rocco Tony”, speaks to Myron and me spiritually. It says “Rest from your wandering oh precious ones.” We have found Jesus Christ to be "The Rest" in the face of our wandering. Just as we rescued Rocco and gave him rest from his wandering -- Jesus Christ came to rescue us from our sin-prone nature and the punishment of eternal lostness.
Each one of us is called “Precious One” by the Lord. How grateful we can be that God provided rescue from our wanderings and declares us precious through this Jesus.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for rescuing us and making us precious in Your sight. - Amen
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He Leadeth Me
by Kari Stadem 04.04.24
"Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears shall hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21
Last summer, my husband Pete and I both felt that our time of visiting different congregations had to come to an end. We had enjoyed almost a year of attending a service at almost every church in Willmar, but we believe we are meant to live out our belonging to the Body of Christ by committing our time, talents, and treasures to one local congregation. We wanted to get involved with a congregation where we could feel that we were pulling in the same direction, and also that we could be useful in that pulling. But where?
On July 2, we were in a pew at First Covenant Church as Pastor Chris preached on Deuteronomy 7, where God commands the Israelites to wipe out the other people groups. We were impressed that he didn’t shy away from this difficult passage. In the middle of the sermon, Pastor Chris said something to this effect: “We don’t have a record of God’s faithfulness in the lives of our congregation members -- I would love it if someone would come to me and say, 'Pastor, I will collect these stories and write them down.'” Pete leaned over and put his hand on my knee. We did this - five years ago! Pete and I worked together to collect 137 stories (from 40 different relatives) about his dad’s home farm place. We edited them, put them in a devotional format, and published a book. We know how to help people identify stories of God’s faithfulness, how to make them interesting, how to connect Scripture, and how to edit them for clarity and good English.
We made an appointment with Pastor Chris the next morning and told him the above story. He said, “This fills me with hope and joy. I didn’t have that part of the sermon planned. In my notes, I left a blank spot and trusted the Holy Spirit to help me say what He wanted me to say. And this morning, a prayer warrior texted me, affirming the message and wondering what the Lord was going to do with it.” Pastor Chris answered our questions about the congregation, and we went home to pray. Since then, we have become regular attendees at FCC and have been grateful for the staff, the leadership, and the members -- who have welcomed us and encouraged us in our mission of collecting faith stories to inspire other believers and the next generation to trust in the wisdom and goodness of the Lord..
Thank You, heavenly Father, for Your leading in our lives. Help us to do Your work in Your way. Amen.
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Where Two or Three are Gathered
by Carol Solbrack 03.27.24
“. . . and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20
Recently, I noticed the quilted wall hanging on my sewing room wall. The scripture verse on it is “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am with them." (Matthew 18:20) It brought me back to the worst week of my life in January 2000.
On January 2, 2000, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. As I was preparing to go to the Emergency Room for a colonoscopy, my mother phoned and said her heart was racing. We picked her up and all entered Rice Hospital. Mother turned out just fine; my report was not good, and surgery was needed.
Four days later, my daughter called and we found out our 2-month-old grandson was spitting up blood. The day after that, our other daughter, Cindy, called. Her father-in-law, Grandpa Doug, had suddenly died of a massive heart attack.
Meanwhile, my surgery was scheduled for January 8.
Our family had done much praying during those days. On that Monday morning our family, along with Pastor Dan Johnson, were gathered in my room. Everyone prayed for successful surgery, healing, and comfort. We felt the Lord's presence and the truth of the scripture there that morning. Jesus was very real.
Cindy said at one point, “I know God is in control, but I do not understand where His control is taking us.” We all mourned the loss of Doug but knew he was with the Lord, and we would reunite again one day. The University of Minnesota diagnosed baby Wesley with acid reflux, and he is now a healthy young man. My surgery was successful and I am cancer-free.
I made that wall quilt years before I experienced that troubled week. God’s word was true then, and it is true today.
Dear Jesus, thank you that you are with us always. Help us remember your presence and gather in your name. Amen.
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Not a Coincidence
by Mike Buer 03.17.24
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside
your Father’s care. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Matthew 10:29, 31
In April of 2001, I had my most memorable physical at ACMC. I’d been putting it off, but finally made the call, and my family physician suggested I have my PSA checked as a part of my lab tests. He explained that even though I was a little younger than the recommended age, it would be wise because of my medical history - my dad had passed away from prostate cancer.
The results of my PSA were not good; I needed a biopsy. Within a few days I met with a urologist at the clinic and he took many samples. Supposedly he numbed me, but it was very uncomfortable and I nearly passed out. A few days later we met again with the urologist and he told us that the biopsy showed that I had prostate cancer. Also, my Gleason numbers, which indicate the aggressiveness of the cancer, were high. I was shocked! I didn’t have any of the symptoms he’d asked me about. He admitted that he’d never had a patient with prostate cancer as young as me. He recommended surgery as soon as possible, but understood if I wanted to get a second opinion.
As I shared all this with my siblings, my sister Cindy said, “if you want a second opinion, we have a good friend from our church who is a urologist. I think the world of him. I can get you his number. His name is Dr. Beahrs.” When I talked to my sister Debbie, a surgical nurse at St. Paul Children’s Hospital, she mentioned her great respect for one of the urologists there. “I don’t personally know him, but I have worked with him in surgery. He is a highly skilled surgeon and has an incredible calming influence in the operating room. He is a Christian. His name is Dr. Randall Beahrs.” I thought, “This is not a coincidence!”
We met and consulted with Dr Beahrs and immediately felt a real peace, asking him to be my surgeon. On April 19, fifteen days after my biopsy, as I was being prepped for surgery, Dr Beahrs came into the room where Barb and several siblings were gathered. Everyone joined hands around my bed as Dr. Beahrs prayed. We knew that God had orchestrated this whole event!
My surgery and recovery went well. My cousins David and Steve and my brother-in-law Paul planted my corn that spring, but I was able to plant my soybeans. Two years after my surgery, my PSA started climbing. Dr. Beahrs put me on Lupron, a hormone therapy drug that stops the production of the testosterone which feeds prostate cancer. It worked famously for me! I’ve been on Lupron for 21 years and it has kept my PSA down.
After Dr. Beahrs retired, my new urologist, Dr. Polcari, couldn’t believe I had been on Lupron for so long! He explained that it’s rarely effective for more than ten years because the prostate cancer cells figure out how to reproduce without testosterone by that time. Lupron also has a side effect of causing osteoporosis, so he took me off it, but unfortunately my PSA started climbing. He suggested a PET scan with a dye that can find and light up prostate cancer cells. Those cells can be targeted with radiation and hopefully destroyed! I completed seven five-day weeks of radiation in the Spring of 2023.
The protocol after radiation is two years of Lupron. So, the journey continues. And God is faithful and so good.
Thank You, Lord, that You notice and provide for every detail of our lives. Help us to rest and trust in Your guidance in every situation. Amen.
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Punishment or Grace?
by Marlene Hovland 3.10.24
… a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. Psalm 51:17
In 1956 at our country school, I was a curious five-year-old. I’d been in the girls’ toilet at one end of the woodshed many times but wondered if the one on the boys’ end of the shed was different. A boy a couple of years older noted my curiosity and told me, “Have a look. Nobody’s in there.” But, to my dismay, there was a boy using the toilet! I felt betrayed by that boy and scared of the consequences. I knew I wasn’t supposed to peek in there.
News spread quickly on the playground and soon our stern teacher, Mrs Carlin, knew what I’d done, too. She tried to swat me as I was getting books from my under-desk cubby, but I scooted sideways. She missed and didn’t try again. I was anxious the rest of the day, dreading punishment from my parents when they found out.
After I walked the mile home with my siblings, I hid inside the almost empty corn crib, hoping to avoid a spanking from Dad. As suppertime approached, I reluctantly decided to face the consequences and went to the house. My parents gently scolded me, “Girls don’t go in boys’ toilets.” But there was no spanking from Dad.
As I’ve pondered this incident, I see that my father saw my remorse. Like our Heavenly Father, who recognizes a humble and repentant spirit, Dad also was quick to forgive.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for your mercy and forgiveness. Grant us that contrite heart which You love to see. Amen.