Children's Ministry
At First Covenant Church, we love kids!
We want children to come to know and love Jesus in a life-changing way, both inside our church walls and at home. With the goal of forming resilient disciples of Jesus, our ministries are designed to partner with parents of children ages birth through 5th grade, empowering them & equipping them as they live into their biblical role to be the primary faith influencers in their children’s lives. We recognize that responsibility can seem overwhelming, and through resources, relationship building, and encouragement, our Children’s Ministry Team wants to help parents intentionally live their faith out in front of their children.
All of our volunteers are required to complete our comprehensive, multi-part Ministry Safe application process. Volunteers complete Sexual Abuse Awareness Training, undergo Background Checks, and agree to continued monitoring and oversight.
Sundays at FCC Willmar
9 a.m. Sunday Kid's Education Classes
Children are welcome in our weekly Worship services - wiggles, noises and all!
If you should need to step out, feel free to walk around the back or use our unstaffed nursery (for kids 0-2 years old) in the lower level, livestream is available.
Children learn from us, we encourage you to disciple from the pew and help them grow in their worship.
Explain to them what is happening throughout the service
Encourage them to stand or hold them close while you sing
Hold hands together during times of prayer
Open up your Bibles to the passage/story for the morning
Review/read their kids bulletin with them
It’s even okay to whisper explanations throughout the sermon.
Kid's Table
A Kids Table is located in the Fireside Room (in the back of the Sanctuary). There, you’ll find color sheets, kid bulletins, kids Bibles & treats!
Education Hour​
Our Sunday Education Hour is for PreK-5th grade students. Through the lens of our FCC values (we are Biblical, Devotional, Connectional, Missional) kids unpack our weekly Bible story discovering how to Know Jesus and Make Jesus Known in our community and world.
Wednesdays at FCC Willmar
5:45-7:30 pm Family Life Group (Infant-5th grade)
Family Life Group is a time to grow WITH your children. Through sharing a meal, play & scripture kids and their trusted adults grow deeper in relationship with Jesus, build on their relationships as a family, and widen their church family relationships.
Lite Supper
5:45 - 6:30 pm
LL Fellowship Hall
All are welcome to share a meal in the Fellowship Hall (lower level) before heading off to group. (freewill donation)

Infant & Pre-K Group
6:30 - 7:15 pm
Lower Level Nursery
Designed to cultivate healthy spiritual habits early, our Babies
& Toddler families (kids + parents/grandparents) will meet to play, sing and learn together.
Kindergarten thru 5th Grade
6:30 - 7:30 pm
FCC 801 Gym
We begin each night with group games focused on having fun & building relationships with one another! Next, we learn our weekly Bible story as a group. Then, families will be equipped and supported to lead faith conversations and are empowered to live their faith out in front of their kids/grandkids!
6:15-7:30 pm - 2nd Wednesday of the month (October-May)
Discover why God entrusted you with children! This monthly
group will help parents capture a God-sized vision for your family.
This group is designed for parents of children & youth.
Parent Group